OUT ON A LIMB’s IndieGoGo fundraising campaign is over and we are delighted to announce that we surpassed our goal! Many people and organizations rallied to support the film, and you can read the full list by going to the Sponsors & Supporters page. Thank you thank you thank you, Sponsors & Supporters; it is because of you that we are now ready to dive into the final phases of post production.
Even though the IndieGoGo campaign was a roaring success, the money we raised won’t entirely cover the cost of finishing the film, so we continue to fundraise. If you want to help out, you can make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION via our Sponsor, the International Documentary Association.
Even though the IndieGoGo campaign was a roaring success, the money we raised won’t entirely cover the cost of finishing the film, so we continue to fundraise. If you want to help out, you can make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTION via our Sponsor, the International Documentary Association.